Thursday, March 10, 2011

Never again!!!

As I was sitting today, just going over my day, I just started thinking about all the people that I come across who fight the same battles over and over and over.
I also thought of myself, of the countless times I found myself caught in a trap that I had previously had to manouver myself out of... And after a whole lot of thought, I decided I have had enough!!!

I mean, life as it is is full of many kinds of battles, each level of growth and maturity comes with it's own set of why should I be fighting current wars as well as last season's battles!!!

There are a few battles that I MAKE A DECISION not to fight anymore... Studying (this will no longer be a battle, it has to be done...and I know it...the season for fighting it is over), Making bad financial decisions ( I will no longer walk in the shadow of bad decisions when it comes to money... Nor will I battle with status), fitting in ( I am not where I am today because people decided to put there, I am where I am because God pre-ordained me to be, therefore I do not people's opinions to sustain me - all I need is God... I will no longer struggle with being liked, or with being popular: I am made to stand out)... Unhealthy relationships, unnecessary anger... The list goes on.

Yester-year's struggles belong there!!! This year is the year of a new breed of struggles, and luckily God has equipped us to handle them because they are for us to bear. But if our energies are directed to things that we should've dealt with long ago then how will we walk our path faithfully?

We need to face our battles as they become due - in the same way we face our debts... Because in life if you don't pass a "test", you will always be challenged to face it until you pass it...
Deal with it now so u can be free to move on to greater battles!!!